A. The most horrible course you think in CS is: A. CS2620 B. MCS3320 C. CS3520 D. MCS4210
B. The most brilliant professor who has 1,000,000 ways to make you feel like a failure is: A. A.G. B. C.C. C. C.V. D. S.H.
C. The worst year of CS is: A. 1st year. Don't worry, you'll get used to it B. 2nd year. It's time to meet questionB.getAnswer() C. 3rd year. You think Algorithms is hard? Wait until Compilers D. 4th year. Congrats on getting through the easiest part of life
D. The most hated programming language is: A. C++ B. C++ C. C++
E. Any suggestions for future students? A. Google and YouTube are your friends B. questionB.getAnswer() is actually a good man C. Don't forget that Friday is game night